flood risk to roller shutters in Lancashire

Flooding can cause significant damage to properties across the UK, particularly in towns like Manchester, Liverpool, and Leeds. As a business owner, it’s crucial to protect your roller shutters from flood damage to ensure the security and functionality of your premises. If you want to find out if your area is at risk of flood risk, you can visit the Flood Hub website to find out more. If your area is prone to flooding then do read on as roller shutters and shopfronts are integral to your business insurance so you won’t want to take any chances.

Here’s how to prevent flood damage to your roller shutters and repair them if a flood occurs.

To begin with, installing flood barriers can provide essential protection. There are two main types of flood barriers:

Deployable Flood Barriers

These can be quickly set up when a flood warning is issued, acting as the first line of defence against rising water levels.

Permanent Flood Barriers

On the other hand, the permanent choice offer long-term protection and can be customised to fit the specific needs of your property and roller shutters. If you live in an area prone to flooding this would be something to consider when installing roller shutters for your property.

Tips On Waterproofing Roller Shutters

Sealing all gaps and openings around the roller shutters is another important preventive measure. Use waterproof sealants and weatherstripping to prevent water ingress, and regularly check the seals, replacing any that show signs of wear and tear. Additionally, elevating control mechanisms such as electric motors or control panels above potential flood levels can prevent electrical components from being damaged by water.

roller shutter flood prevention measures

Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure your roller shutters are in good condition. Perform regular checks for signs of rust, corrosion, or damage that could be exacerbated by floodwaters. Lubricate moving parts to ensure they operate smoothly and are less likely to seize up when exposed to water. In areas prone to flooding, installing sump pumps can be very effective. These pumps can quickly remove water from the premises, reducing the risk of prolonged exposure to floodwaters.

Staying informed about weather conditions in your area is also important. Use weather apps and subscribe to flood warning services for Manchester, Liverpool, and Leeds to get timely alerts and take preventive measures.

In the event of a flood, safety should be your first priority. Before inspecting or repairing flood-damaged roller shutters, ensure that the area is safe by turning off electrical power to the shutters to avoid the risk of electrocution. Begin with an initial inspection to check for visible damage such as dents, rust, and debris lodged in the tracks. Assess the condition of the control mechanisms and wiring, as water damage to electrical components can pose a safety hazard.

Next, clean the shutters thoroughly with fresh water to remove mud, debris, and salt if applicable. Use a mild detergent to clean metal surfaces and dry the shutters completely using fans and dehumidifiers to prevent rust. After cleaning and drying, lubricate all moving parts including hinges, rollers, and tracks to ensure smooth operation and prevent rusting.

Inspect the seals around the roller shutters and replace any that are damaged or have deteriorated due to flood exposure. If any parts of the roller shutters are damaged beyond repair, consider replacing them, including slats, tracks, and control mechanisms. Consult with a professional if you’re unsure about the extent of the damage or how to carry out repairs.

Once repairs are complete, test the operation of the roller shutters to ensure they open and close smoothly and that all control mechanisms function correctly. For extensive damage, it’s advisable to seek professional help. Companies specialising in roller shutter repair can provide expert assessments and repairs, ensuring your shutters are restored to full functionality.

Preventing flood damage to your roller shutters is essential for maintaining the security and operational integrity of your premises. By taking proactive measures and knowing how to address damage when it occurs, you can minimise the impact of flooding on your business. For properties in flood-prone areas like Manchester, Liverpool, and Leeds, staying prepared and responsive is key to safeguarding your assets.

If you have any questions on how to prevent to your roller shutters or shopfront from flooding then speak to a member of our team today or call us on 01204 918 991, we cover the whole of the North West, Yorkshire and Cheshire for roller shutter installations, repairs and servicing.

results of salinity to a roller shutter in Blackpool

Coastal areas present unique challenges for buildings and structures due to their proximity to the sea. The high salinity in the air can accelerate the corrosion of metals and cause significant wear and tear. For shop owners in the areas of Blackpool, Morecambe, Formby etc, choosing the right type of roller shutters is crucial to ensure longevity and security. This blog will explore the best types of roller shutters for coastal environments, how they can withstand salinity, the necessary maintenance, and common issues shop owners should be aware of.

results of salinity to a roller shutter in Blackpool

The Best Types of Roller Shutters for Coastal Areas

Aluminum Roller Shutters

Aluminum is highly resistant to corrosion, making it an excellent choice for coastal areas. Its natural oxide layer provides protection against the salty air, and it is also lightweight, which reduces the strain on the shutter mechanism. Additionally, aluminum shutters can be powder-coated to enhance their resistance to the elements and provide a wide range of color options.

Stainless Steel Roller Shutters

Stainless steel, particularly grades like 316, is known for its superior corrosion resistance. While it is more expensive than aluminum, its durability can justify the cost, especially in harsh coastal conditions. Stainless steel shutters provide excellent security and can withstand the constant exposure to salty air without rusting.

PVC Roller Shutters

PVC (polyvinyl chloride) shutters are another good option for coastal areas. They are completely immune to corrosion and are relatively low maintenance. PVC shutters are also available in various designs and colors, offering flexibility in terms of aesthetics.

Galvanized Steel Roller Shutters

Galvanized steel shutters are coated with a layer of zinc, which provides a barrier against corrosion. While they are more susceptible to corrosion than aluminum or stainless steel, proper maintenance can extend their lifespan. They are robust and offer good security, making them a viable option if cost is a concern.

Maintenance Tips for Coastal Roller Shutters

Even with the best materials, regular maintenance is essential to ensure the longevity of roller shutters in coastal areas. Here are some key maintenance tips:

Regular Cleaning

Salt deposits can accumulate on the surface of the shutters, leading to corrosion. Regular cleaning with fresh water can help remove these deposits. Avoid using harsh chemicals that might damage the protective coatings.


The moving parts of the roller shutters, such as the hinges and rollers, should be regularly lubricated to prevent rust and ensure smooth operation. Use a silicone-based lubricant as it is less likely to attract dust and dirt.


Regularly inspect the shutters for signs of wear and tear, such as rust spots, cracks, or dents. Addressing these issues early can prevent more significant problems down the line.


For metal shutters, re-coating them with a protective layer of paint or powder coating every few years can help protect against the harsh coastal environment.

Professional Servicing

It is advisable to have the shutters professionally serviced at least once a year. A professional can perform a thorough inspection, clean hard-to-reach areas, and make any necessary repairs.

Common Issues Faced by Shop Owners

Shop owners in coastal areas need to be aware of several potential issues with their roller shutters:


Despite choosing corrosion-resistant materials, the constant exposure to salty air can eventually lead to corrosion. Regular maintenance is crucial to mitigate this risk.

Mechanical Failure

The salty environment can lead to mechanical issues, such as jammed rollers or hinges. This can affect the functionality of the shutters and compromise the security of the premises.

Aesthetic Degradation

The combination of salt, sun, and wind can cause the shutters to look worn out faster than in non-coastal areas. Regular cleaning and maintenance can help maintain their appearance.

Higher Maintenance Costs

Due to the harsh environment, the maintenance costs for roller shutters in coastal areas can be higher. Shop owners should budget for regular maintenance and occasional repairs.

Weather-Related Damage

Coastal areas are often prone to extreme weather conditions like storms and hurricanes. Roller shutters must be robust enough to withstand these forces, and shop owners should ensure they choose shutters that meet relevant standards for wind and impact resistance.

Choosing the right roller shutters for coastal areas is crucial for ensuring security, durability, and aesthetics. Aluminum, stainless steel, PVC, and galvanized steel are among the best options due to their resistance to corrosion. However, even the best materials require regular maintenance to withstand the harsh coastal environment. By following proper maintenance practices and being aware of potential issues, shop owners can ensure their roller shutters remain functional and look good for years to come. Investing in high-quality shutters and regular servicing can save time and money in the long run, providing peace of mind in a challenging environment.

In today’s rapidly evolving landscapes of the North West UK, businesses face a myriad of security challenges, ranging from vandalism to break-ins. One of the most significant threats comes from ram-raiding, where thieves use vehicles as battering rams to smash through shopfronts or roller shutters. This form of attack not only results in significant property damage but can also lead to substantial financial losses due to theft and business downtime. Implementing anti-ram barriers is a critical step in fortifying business premises against such aggressive threats. This article explores the importance of these barriers, how they work, and why every business with physical storefronts should consider them an essential part of their security strategy.

Understanding Anti-Ram Barriers

Anti-ram barriers are sturdy structures designed to prevent vehicles from penetrating a property’s perimeter, be it a shopfront, a warehouse, or a commercial complex. These barriers can be made from various materials, including reinforced steel, concrete, and even sophisticated composite materials. They come in several forms:

Bollards – These are strong, vertical posts that can be either fixed, retractable, or removable. Bollards are not only functional but can also be aesthetically pleasing, making them a popular choice for businesses that value curb appeal.

Security Planters – These barriers double as decorative plant containers, offering a softer approach to hard security.

Crash Gates and Fences – Designed for larger perimeters, these barriers provide high-level security for entire buildings or complexes.

Benefits of Anti-Ram Barriers

Enhanced Security

The primary benefit of anti-ram barriers is their ability to enhance physical security by providing a robust physical obstacle that protects against vehicular attacks. This form of defence is crucial, especially for high-target areas such as jewellery stores, banks, and high-end retailers.

Deterrent Effect

The mere presence of anti-ram barriers can act as a significant deterrent. Potential criminals who scout locations in advance will often choose not to target a facility that appears well-protected, reducing the likelihood of attempted break-ins.

Aesthetic Integration

Modern anti-ram barriers are designed not only to be functional but also to integrate seamlessly with the existing architecture. Manufacturers offer a range of customisations, from colour to material finish, ensuring that security measures enhance rather than detract from a property’s appearance.

Insurance Benefits

Installing anti-ram barriers may lead to reduced insurance premiums. Insurance companies often recognise the added protection these barriers provide, which can lower the risk profile of the business and consequently the cost of insurance.

Implementation Considerations

Assessing Needs

The decision to install anti-ram barriers should begin with a thorough security assessment. Factors to consider include the location, existing security measures, type of business, and previous security breaches, if any.

Professional Installation

Anti-ram barriers should be installed by professionals who can ensure that the barriers are placed optimally for security and comply with any local planning regulations. Incorrect installation can lead to barriers being less effective or even hazardous.

Regular Maintenance

Like any security feature, anti-ram barriers require regular maintenance to ensure they remain effective. This includes checking for structural integrity, ensuring retractable models operate smoothly, and keeping fixed barriers free of rust or damage.

The installation of anti-ram barriers is an investment in the safety and continuity of a business. In an era where commercial security threats are increasingly dynamic and invasive, taking proactive measures to safeguard assets is not just wise—it’s essential. By incorporating robust physical defenses like anti-ram barriers into their security protocols, businesses can significantly mitigate the risk of ram-raiding and other forms of vehicular attack, ensuring peace of mind for both business owners and their customers. Whether integrating sleek bollards or imposing crash gates, the right anti-ram solutions can spell the difference between a secure business and a vulnerable one.

roller shutter repair Manchester

In the diverse and evolving UK market, the demand for efficient, secure, and aesthetically pleasing window treatments has led to the increasing popularity of roller shutters. These versatile shutters offer not just enhanced security but also insulation, noise reduction, and privacy control. However, the decision between electric and manual roller shutters can be a bit of a conundrum for many homeowners and businesses. This guide delves into the different types of roller shutters available, along with their pros and cons, to help you make an informed choice.

Understanding Roller Shutters

Roller shutters are composed of many horizontal slats hinged together, which can be rolled up or down to cover a window or door. They are widely used across the UK for residential, commercial, and industrial properties. The primary distinction lies in their operation mechanism – electric (also known as motorised) or manual.

roller shutter repair Manchester

Electric Roller Shutters



With just the push of a button, electric roller shutters roll up or down, making them particularly useful for hard-to-reach areas.

Safety Features

Many electric shutters come with advanced safety features like obstacle detection, which stops the shutter if it encounters any obstruction.

Automation and Smart Home Integration

They can be integrated into smart home systems, allowing for scheduling and remote operation via smartphones.

Energy Efficiency

Electric shutters can help in reducing energy bills by keeping heat in during the winter and out during the summer.


Higher Initial Cost

The convenience and technology of electric roller shutters come at a higher initial price compared to manual options.

Maintenance and Repair

Potential electrical issues may require professional repair, possibly incurring higher maintenance costs over time.

Manual Roller Shutters



Manual shutters are less expensive upfront, making them a budget-friendly option for many.

Simplicity and Reliability

With fewer components that could malfunction, manual shutters are considered more reliable and easier to maintain.

Physical Control

Some users prefer the tactile response and physical control of manual operation, especially in environments where electricity is unreliable.


Physical Effort

They require physical effort to operate, which may not be suitable for everyone, especially for those with mobility issues.

Limited Features

Manual shutters lack the advanced features and automation options available with electric shutters.

Types of Roller Shutters Available in the UK Market

  • Built-on Roller Shutters These are mounted outside the window or door and are visible when rolled down.
  • Built-in Roller Shutters Integrated into the window or door frame, they offer a more seamless look.
  • Security Roller Shutters Specifically designed for enhanced security with reinforced materials.
  • Insulated Roller Shutters Focused on energy efficiency, these shutters are filled with insulating materials to help control the temperature.

Making the Right Choice

The decision between electric and manual roller shutters boils down to your specific needs, preferences, and budget. Electric shutters offer convenience and advanced features but come at a higher cost, both upfront and potentially in terms of maintenance. Manual shutters, on the other hand, are cost-effective and reliable but lack the ease of use and advanced features of their electric counterparts.

When selecting roller shutters for your UK property, consider not just the initial cost but also the long-term benefits and potential savings on energy bills, especially with insulated models. Additionally, factor in the ease of use, security features, and how well they integrate with your property’s aesthetics and functional requirements.

Whether you opt for electric or manual, roller shutters are a valuable investment in your property’s security, energy efficiency, and comfort. By carefully weighing the pros and cons of each type, you can choose the best roller shutters to meet your needs and enhance your property for years to come.

roller shutter maintenance

Fire shutters play a crucial role in the safety and fire protection strategy of a building, acting as a physical barrier to slow down the spread of fire and smoke, thereby helping to safeguard lives and minimise property damage. Given their importance, it is imperative that fire shutters are maintained in optimal working condition through regular servicing. The frequency and nature of these services are critical considerations for ensuring that these safety devices operate effectively when needed most.

Importance of Regular Servicing

The primary function of fire shutters is to compartmentalise a building, preventing or delaying the spread of fire and smoke between sections. This function is vital for allowing occupants more time to evacuate safely and for firefighters to control the fire more effectively. Regular servicing ensures that fire shutters remain reliable and operational in the event of a fire, thereby fulfilling their life-saving and property-protecting roles.

Recommended Servicing Frequency

The recommended frequency of servicing for fire shutters can vary based on national regulations, manufacturer guidelines, and the specific conditions of the building in which they are installed. However, as a general rule, fire shutters should be inspected and serviced at least annually. This annual servicing ensures that any issues arising from wear and tear or mechanical failures are identified and addressed promptly, maintaining the shutters’ integrity and functionality.

In addition to annual servicing, there are circumstances that may necessitate more frequent checks or maintenance:

High Usage Environments

Buildings where fire shutters are used frequently, either due to operational requirements or as part of regular fire drills, may require more frequent servicing to address wear and tear.

After Activation

Following any incident where fire shutters have been deployed, whether due to an actual fire or a drill, a thorough inspection and service should be conducted to ensure they are still in perfect working order.

Visible Damage or Operational Issues

If any damage or operational issues are observed during routine checks by building maintenance staff, immediate servicing is required to rectify these issues before they compromise the shutter’s performance.

Components of Fire Shutter Servicing

Servicing of fire shutters encompasses several key activities to ensure their proper function:


A comprehensive examination of all components, including the shutter curtain, guide rails, end locks, barrel assembly, and fire activation system, to identify any signs of damage or wear.


Functional tests to verify the correct operation of the shutters, especially the automatic activation mechanisms in response to fire signals or heat detection.

Lubrication and Adjustments

Application of appropriate lubricants to moving parts and adjustments to ensure smooth operation and alignment.


Immediate repairs or replacement of damaged or worn components identified during the inspection.


Updating service records to document the maintenance performed and any findings, ensuring compliance with safety regulations and standards.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

In many jurisdictions, regular servicing of fire shutters is not just a recommendation but a legal requirement. Building owners and managers must familiarize themselves with the specific codes and standards applicable in their location to ensure compliance. Failing to adhere to these requirements not only compromises the safety of the building’s occupants but can also lead to legal and financial repercussions.

Choosing a Servicing Partner

Selecting a reputable and experienced service provider is crucial for effective fire shutter maintenance. Qualified technicians with specific expertise in fire safety equipment are essential for thorough inspections and servicing. It is advisable to establish a regular maintenance contract with a trusted provider to ensure consistent service quality and compliance with safety standards.

The servicing of fire shutters is a vital component of a building’s fire safety strategy. Regular, at least annual, servicing ensures that these critical safety features remain ready to perform their protective functions at a moment’s notice. By adhering to recommended servicing frequencies and practices, building owners and managers not only comply with legal and regulatory requirements but also contribute significantly to the safety and protection of their premises and its occupants.

Roller shutters are indispensable for businesses and homes, offering security, privacy, and insulation. However, like any mechanical system, they require regular maintenance to function optimally. Neglect can lead to premature wear, costly repairs, or even replacement. This blog article delves into the best practices for roller shutter maintenance, ensuring their longevity and performance.

Regular Cleaning

The first step in maintaining roller shutters is regular cleaning. Dust, debris, and other pollutants can accumulate on the shutters, leading to operational issues and corrosion over time. Cleaning your roller shutters every three to six months with a soft cloth and mild detergent can prevent buildup and ensure smooth operation. Avoid abrasive materials and harsh chemicals that can damage the shutter’s surface.

maintaining roller shutters

Lubrication of Moving Parts

Proper lubrication is crucial for the smooth operation of roller shutters. Over time, the moving parts of a roller shutter, such as the tracks, bearings, and rollers, can become dry, causing friction that can lead to wear and tear. Applying a silicone-based lubricant every six months can keep these parts moving freely, reducing the risk of damage and extending the life of your shutters.

Regular Inspections

Conducting regular inspections of your roller shutters can help identify potential issues before they escalate into significant problems. Check for signs of wear and tear, such as cracks, rust, or misalignment. Inspect the balance of the shutter to ensure it opens and closes smoothly without resistance. If you notice any abnormalities, it’s essential to address them promptly to avoid further damage.

Prompt Repairs

If during an inspection, you identify any damage or malfunction, it’s crucial to undertake repairs immediately. Delaying repairs can not only compromise the security and insulation properties of your roller shutters but can also lead to more significant, more expensive issues. Whether it’s a broken slat, a malfunctioning motor, or a control system issue, seeking professional repair services promptly can save time and money in the long run.

Professional Servicing

While regular cleaning, lubrication, and inspections can be performed by the shutter owner, professional servicing is also vital. A professional technician can conduct a comprehensive assessment, including checking the electrical components, ensuring the shutters comply with safety regulations, and making adjustments or replacements as necessary. Annual servicing by a professional can help maintain the optimal performance of your roller shutters and prevent unforeseen failures.

Weather Protection

Roller shutters are exposed to the elements, which can significantly impact their condition over time. Protecting your shutters from extreme weather conditions, such as direct sunlight, heavy rain, and strong winds, can prevent damage. Applying a protective coating or paint can shield the shutters from corrosion and fading, maintaining their appearance and functionality.

Avoid DIY Fixes for Complex Problems

While minor adjustments might be manageable, complex problems should be left to professionals. Attempting to fix significant issues without the proper knowledge and tools can lead to further damage or pose safety risks. Professional repair services have the expertise to diagnose and fix problems efficiently and safely.

Educate Users

If your roller shutters are operated by multiple individuals, educating them on proper usage and handling can prevent accidental damage. Misuse or forceful handling can cause misalignment or damage to the shutter’s mechanism. Simple training on correct operation and what to avoid can prolong the life of your shutters.

Upgrade When Necessary

Technology and materials in roller shutter manufacturing are continually evolving. If your shutters are old and frequently require repairs, it might be cost-effective to upgrade to newer models. Modern shutters offer improved security, better insulation, and are often easier to maintain.

Keep Records

Maintaining a record of all maintenance activities, inspections, and repairs can be incredibly beneficial. This record can help track the shutter’s condition over time, identify recurring issues, and ensure regular maintenance is performed. It can also be useful for warranty claims or when seeking professional help, as it provides a history of the shutter’s upkeep.

Roller shutters are a significant investment for any property, offering numerous benefits from security to energy efficiency. Implementing these best practices for roller shutter maintenance can ensure they remain in excellent condition, providing reliable service for years to come. Regular cleaning, lubrication, inspections, and professional servicing form the cornerstone of effective shutter maintenance. By taking proactive steps to maintain your roller shutters, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your property is secure and insulated, all while minimising the potential for costly repairs or replacements in the future.

Replacement Keyswitch Bolton

Maintaining shop roller shutters is crucial for business owners in the UK, ensuring the security and aesthetic appeal of their premises. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to maintain your shop roller shutters effectively:

Regular Cleaning

roller shutter maintenance


Clean your shutters at least once every three months. In urban or coastal areas with higher pollution or salt exposure, increase this to monthly.


Use a mild detergent and water for cleaning. Avoid abrasive cleaners which can damage the shutter’s surface. Use a soft cloth or sponge to gently wipe down the shutters.

Inspection for Damage or Wear

damaged roller shutters

Schedule Regular Checks

Inspect your shutters every six months for any signs of damage, such as dents, cracks, or rust.

Focus Areas

Pay attention to the shutter’s balance, alignment, and any unusual noises during operation. Check for loose components, such as screws or bolts.


Lubricate Moving Parts

Use a silicone-based lubricant on the roller mechanism, tracks, and bearings every six months. Avoid using oil-based lubricants as they can attract dirt and grime.

Avoid Over-lubrication

Too much lubricant can lead to the accumulation of debris, which can interfere with the shutter’s operation.

Electrical Components

Safety First

Always turn off the power before inspecting electrical components.

Professional Check

Annually, have a qualified electrician check the motor and other electrical components to ensure they are in good working order.

Rust Prevention

Rust Check

Look for any signs of rust, especially in the bottom parts of the shutters which are more exposed to water and humidity.


Treat any rust spots immediately. Sand the area lightly and apply a rust-inhibiting primer followed by paint.

Weather Seals

Inspect Seals

Check the integrity of weather seals to ensure they provide adequate protection against rain, wind, and debris.


Replace damaged or worn seals to maintain insulation and protection.

Manual Override System

Check Regularly

If your shutters have a manual override system, ensure it is functioning correctly. This is crucial in case of a power failure.


Ensure staff are familiar with how to operate the manual override.

Immediate Repairs

Respond Promptly

Address any issues such as jamming or misalignment immediately to prevent further damage.

Professional Services

For significant repairs, always use a professional service to ensure the job is done correctly and safely.

Security Features

Regular Testing

Test any integrated security features like alarms or automatic locks regularly to ensure they are functioning as intended.


Keep security features updated, especially in high-risk areas.

Professional Maintenance Service

Annual Service

Arrange for a professional roller shutter maintenance service annually. They can conduct a thorough inspection and address issues you may have missed.


Ensure the service provider is certified and experienced in dealing with your specific type of shutters.

Record Keeping

Maintenance Log

Keep a log of all maintenance activities, repairs, and professional services. This record can be invaluable for warranty purposes and future servicing.

Awareness of Regulations


Stay informed about any UK regulations and standards relevant to roller shutters, such as fire safety and electrical compliance.


Any modifications or upgrades should comply with these regulations.

Employee Training

Proper Usage

Train your employees in the correct operation of the shutters to prevent misuse or accidental damage.

Emergency Protocols

Ensure they know what to do in case of a malfunction or power outage.

Upgrade when Necessary

Technology Advances

Consider upgrading older shutters with newer, more efficient, and secure models.

Energy Efficiency

Newer models may offer better insulation and energy efficiency, which can reduce overall business costs.

Aesthetics and Branding

Visual Appeal

Keep your shutters visually appealing, as they are a significant part of your shopfront. Repaint if necessary to align with your brand image.

Cleaning Graffiti

In case of graffiti, remove it promptly to maintain a professional appearance.

Regular maintenance of shop roller shutters is essential for the security, functionality, and aesthetic appeal of your business. Adhering to a structured maintenance schedule can prevent costly repairs and prolong the life of your shutters. Always consider professional advice for complex issues and stay informed about the latest industry standards and regulations

faulty roller shutters

We’ve all been there: you’re about to lock up for the day, or perhaps you’re just trying to secure your home, and your roller shutter refuses to cooperate. Such moments can be frustrating, but understanding the potential causes can help you address the issue effectively. Let’s explore the top 10 reasons your roller shutter might not be closing and how to tackle them.

1. Obstructed Path

Problem: One of the most common reasons a roller shutter won’t close is something obstructing its path.

Solution: Ensure the tracks on both sides are free from debris or objects. Regularly cleaning the tracks can help prevent this issue.

2. Motor Issues

Problem: If your shutter is motorised, there’s a chance the motor has worn out or malfunctioned.

Solution: Check for any unusual sounds or lack of response when trying to activate the shutter. If you suspect a motor issue, consult with a professional for repairs or replacements.

3. Misaligned Tracks

Problem: Over time, the tracks of the roller shutter can become misaligned due to wear and tear or accidental force.

Solution: Visually inspect the tracks. If they appear bent or out of place, they might be causing the shutter to get stuck. You’ll need to realign them, and in some cases, you might need to replace them entirely.

4. Worn-Out Tension Springs

Problem: Roller shutters operate with the help of tension springs. If these springs wear out or break, the shutter won’t close properly.

Solution: Check the tension springs for any signs of wear or breakage. Replacing them might require professional assistance as they are under high tension and can be dangerous if not handled correctly.

5. Remote Control Malfunction

Problem: For automated roller shutters, a malfunctioning remote control can be the culprit.

Solution: Ensure the remote’s batteries are fresh. If that doesn’t solve the problem, check for possible interference with the signal or consider getting a replacement remote.

6. Manual Override Engaged

Problem: Some roller shutters come with a manual override for situations where power is unavailable. If this is engaged by mistake, the motorized function won’t work.

Solution: Check your user manual on how to disengage the manual override. Usually, it’s a switch or button on the motor or control panel.

7. Electrical Issues

Problem: If there’s a problem with the power source, your motorized shutter will not function.

Solution: Ensure that the roller shutter is properly plugged in and the power source is active. Check circuit breakers, and consider consulting an electrician if power issues persist.

8. Faulty End Limit Settings

Problem: Roller shutters often have end limit settings that determine their open and closed positions. If these are set incorrectly, the shutter might not close fully.

Solution: Refer to your user manual on how to adjust the end limit settings. If unsure, it might be best to call in a professional to avoid potential damage.

9. Locks or Shutter Latches Engaged

Problem: Some roller shutters have locks or latches to enhance security. If these are inadvertently engaged, the shutter won’t move.

Solution: Ensure all locks, latches, or security mechanisms are fully disengaged before attempting to close the shutter.

10. Wear and Tear

Problem: Like all mechanical devices, roller shutters have a lifespan. General wear and tear can cause them to malfunction.

Solution: Regular maintenance can extend the life of your roller shutter. However, if the shutter is old and frequently malfunctions, consider replacing it for better functionality and enhanced security.

While roller shutters are designed for durability and longevity, issues can arise from time to time. By understanding the potential problems and their solutions, you can ensure that your roller shutter continues to serve its purpose effectively. Always remember, when in doubt, consulting with a professional roller shutter technician can save you time, money, and potential hazards.

large roller shutter

In the bustling business landscapes across the UK, ensuring your business’s security is more vital than ever. Whether you run a quaint boutique in the heart of London or manage a small bakery in Edinburgh, the safety of your assets, products, and premises remains paramount. One proven way to enhance security is by installing roller shutters. While they’re commonly associated with bigger commercial establishments, small businesses too can benefit immensely from their installation. So, how exactly do roller shutters enhance security, and should you opt for electric or manual variants? Let’s delve deeper.

Physical Barrier and Deterrence

Roller shutters act as a robust physical barrier against potential threats. Not only do they protect your glass windows and doors from break-ins, but the sheer presence of a shutter can also deter potential burglars. Criminals often look for the path of least resistance, and a secured roller shutter communicates that breaking in won’t be easy.

Weather Protection

In the unpredictable British weather, strong winds and hail can damage your storefront, especially if it’s made of glass. Roller shutters shield the front of your store from these elements, ensuring that you won’t have to deal with the cost and inconvenience of repairing weather-induced damage.\

large roller shutter

Privacy and Light Control

Besides security, roller shutters allow business owners to control the amount of light entering the premises. This is particularly useful for businesses that require a darkened environment or those that want to maintain privacy after hours.

Electric vs. Manual Roller Shutters

When considering roller shutters for your small business, one of the primary decisions you’ll face is choosing between electric and manual options. Here are some points to consider:

Electric Roller Shutters


The primary advantage of electric roller shutters is the convenience they offer. With just a push of a button, you can raise or lower the shutter. This is especially beneficial for larger shutters or for businesses where the shutter will be operated multiple times during the day.

Safety Features

Modern electric shutters often come with integrated safety features such as sensors that detect obstructions. This ensures that the shutter won’t close if there’s something or someone in its path.

Integration with Security Systems

Electric shutters can often be integrated with your existing security system. For instance, they can be programmed to automatically close when your alarm system is activated.


Electric shutters are generally more expensive than their manual counterparts due to the motor and other electronic components. However, the added convenience and security features might justify the additional cost for many businesses.

Manual Roller Shutters


Manual shutters are straightforward in design, often operated by a hand crank or a pull-down mechanism. This simplicity means there are fewer components that could potentially break down.


If you’re on a tight budget, manual shutters are usually more affordable than electric ones. They offer robust security without the added expense of motors and electronics.

Physical Effort

The primary drawback of manual shutters is that they require physical effort to open and close. For smaller shutters, this might not be an issue, but for larger storefronts, it can be cumbersome.

No Dependency on Power

Unlike electric shutters, manual variants aren’t dependent on electricity. This means that even in a power outage, your business remains secure.

For UK small business owners, the choice between electric and manual roller shutters often boils down to a balance between convenience and budget. Both types offer enhanced security, ensuring that your business is protected against potential threats.

While electric shutters offer the utmost convenience and advanced security integrations, manual shutters provide simplicity and are more budget-friendly. It’s essential to assess your specific business needs, the size of your storefront, and the frequency of operation to make an informed decision.

Regardless of the type you choose, the addition of a roller shutter to your business premises will undoubtedly elevate its security profile, offering peace of mind that your business assets are well protected.

If you are looking for high quality roller shutter installations throughout the North West including Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Blackpool then why not speak to the team at UK Doors & Shutters. We are the longest established roller shutter installers and repair company in the area. 

roller shutter

Top Tips For Choosing Roller Shutters In 2023

When it comes to choosing the right roller shutters for your needs, it’s important to acknowledge that you have a lot of different options. That is definitely the big benefit of modern roller shutters but it can also be confusing to try and choose the right model for you. If you are not sure exactly what type of roller shutter you need to pick, you may not choose the right one, or simply be overwhelmed by your many options.

To try and make sure you get the best support, we have taken a look at the top things you should keep in mind when trying to buy brand-new roller shutters for 2023. Let’s take a look.

Your Measurements

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what type of roller shutters you are searching for, it’s just important to make sure that you get ones that fit properly. Taking the right measurements for your shutter windows is very important, and it’s something you will need to take time to do before you start looking for a proper set of shutters. Always double check your measurements to get the best results.


And most people usually look at shutters with a specific colour in mind. However, with that being said, it’s also important to recognise that the colour of the shutters you pick will definitely have a bearing on the type of building you have there are many different types of options out there, ranging from black to grey, white, and even brown. It’s important to choose the right colour shutter for your building.

How Bespoke Are Your Shutters?

The great thing about picking window shutters is that you get to choose how bespoke they are. You can add plenty of different perks and benefits to your shutters to make sure they fit your needs. For example, window shutters are a good choice for any business that wants proper window security, but you can add fly screens to protect from pests.

Punched or Not Punched

When it comes to choosing the right kind of roller shutter, you need to make sure that you decide between punched or not punched. The punched option is good for any business that wants to have a high level of visibility, but at the same time protect their business from harm. These specific types of shutters are most commonly seen on the front of shops or pubs.


When it comes to choosing the right shutters for your needs, it’s important to take a look at the different types of materials that are available to pick the best results. There are definitely quite a few different materials on offer when it comes to roller shutters. You can get PVC and steel, but we personally recommend aluminium. Aluminium is the most flexible option out of the available choices, it can be tailored to fit any design, and it’s strong but lightweight. It’s the perfect choice for any roller shutter.

Protection From Fire

Waking up to discover that your business has been affected by fire is one of the biggest fears of any owner. After all, fire is dangerous. and will mostly result in massive destruction and costs.

The good thing about many types of roller shutters is that they provide a certain level of fire protection. They can help to prevent fire from spreading, or contain it and stop at reaching the outside. In either case, this can make it a good choice for your building.

Where Do You Put Shutters?

When it comes to getting the best possible roller shutter for your needs, one of the big criteria will always be where you put it. Are you looking to fit your shutters on the inside or the outside? You can put them in many different rooms in your property, and they can be incredibly versatile. However, choosing the right location for your needs is very important, and makes a big difference.

Shutter Choice is Harder Than it Looks

At the end of the day, choosing the right shutters for your needs is harder than it looks. There are plenty of different options to think about, and it’s a big responsibility, but all of these different factors need to be considered at the same time to get the right result.

When it comes to picking the right roller shutter, it’s important to acknowledge that there is no one general solution for every business. It’s always going to be a very case-by-case basis, so it’s important to choose what works for you.

Final Thoughts

So, as we can see, there are plenty of different considerations when it comes to getting the right roller shutter for your needs. At the end of the day, you have a lot of different options at your disposal, so it’s up to you to pick and choose what works best for you. Every business will need something different, so it’s impossible to pick one generic option for everybody.

The type of shutter that you pick will be heavily influenced by many different things. If you want to get the best results, you definitely need to be prepared to experiment with what’s available, because there are a lot of different options. Obviously, we are more than happy to help you choose, because we have plenty of industry experience when it comes to matching people up with their ideal roller shutter, but at the end of the day, it will be specific to you. We cannot tell you exactly what to choose, we can only make recommendations based on what we know.

You should definitely take your time when it comes to choosing the ideal roller shutter for your needs, because there are countless different options to choose from, and they all have a big part to play in how successful your roller shutter will be. The right option makes a major difference to your home, so it’s very important to pick and choose the best options for you.